If you have been meaning to organize your accounts but just don’t know how to start…
We can give you a jump-start by organizing your financial documents, setting you up on QuickBooks Financial Software and creating log-ins and temporary passwords (you can change them later) to on-line access and payments. You will have all you need to continue and manage your accounts on your own.
If you have a busy lifestyle and would rather not deal with the drudgery of paying bills and reconciling bank accounts or if you just find it difficult to keep up with your daily finances…
You can engage Assistant A La Carte to do the task for you. We will have your bills sent directly to us so that you won’t even have to handle them. We will process your bills, reconcile your bank accounts, negotiate with vendors if needed, coordinate with your accountants, lawyers, etc. You will get monthly reports of the transactions that transpired during the month.

If you already manage your personal accounts but need the occasional assistance…
We can help you get out of a bind in the event that you need to research on a bill that should have been fully paid already but you still get recurring payment reminders or during tax season when you need to compile tax related documents and fill out the tax organizer that your tax accountant sent you or during those times that you need extra help in reconciling your bank or credit card statements.
If you live far away or do not have time to assist an elderly parent or relative with their daily finances…
Call on us to help your elderly parent or relative understand and manage their finances. We can make regular contacts with them to go over whatever daily money management tasks need to be done and keep you posted with their financial activities.